Our contact details
Do not hesitate to contact us!
You can request full information by phone or in writing:
- negotiate available testing services
- Book appointments for both imaging diagnostic laboratory and specialist services and tests
Our phone numbers
Call us
Find us
Hungary, 1027 Budapest, Henger utca 2/B
The entrance of our center can be found in the third yard of the building from Margit körút, in the first yard of the building from Fekete Sas utca.
Opening hours
Visit us
Monday - Friday
8:00 - 20:00
Company name:
Mediworld Radiológiai Kft.
Abbreviated name of the company:
Mediworld Radiológiai Kft.
The company's headquarters:
1065 Budapest, Podmaniczky utca 1-3. 2. em. 19.
Company location:
1027 Budapest, Henger utca 2. B. ép. fszt.
Company Registration Number:
Company tax number:
Community tax number: