Address of the clinic
1027 Bp., Henger utca 2/B
Phone number
+36 1 998 0000 email

Gynaecological screening

Gynaecological screening

Our gynaecological screening package* is designed to diagnose all malignancies in women. These include cervical cancer, cysts and breast cancer. A full gynaecological screening is an excellent preventive programme, giving the patient a comprehensive picture of their health. As both cervical cancer and breast cancer are unfortunately very common in the female population, regular screening is important. Both types of cancer have a good chance of being cured if detected early, so prevention is of paramount importance.

For our gynaecological screening packages, you can choose from the following tests:

* Please note that not all screening tests can be performed on the same day. Many tests require a laboratory test as a prerequisite, and our specialists may have different office hours, and some tests cannot be performed immediately after each other, so it is in the interest of our patients that a certain amount of time must elapse between the two tests. Our colleagues can give you more information about the exact schedule of the screening test.

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